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Army Books

Army Books

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Where Soldiers Lie What drives veterans, military experts and forensic investigators to dedicate years to search for and identify the remains of fallen warriors? What does it mean to the families o...
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The Mighty Krait The little boat with a big past: the fight to save one of the most important artefacts of Australian military history. For many years, thousands of people have walked past an unass...
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Beyond Adversity: U' Company, 15th Battalion 1941-1942 In November 1941, about 100 university students began their short-term compulsory military training with the 15th Infantry Battalion. Most wer...
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Last Knight: A Biography of General Sir Phillip Bennett AC, KBE, DSO General Sir Phillip Bennett is a good example of what makes a great leader. With a good combination of innate personal qualities...
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Letters From Timor Letters from Timor provides a very different and personal perspective of Australian Military Operations. Through the compilation of excerpts of his experiences in Timor, Graeme R...
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Game to the Last: 11th Australian Infantry Battalion at Gallipoli Game to the Last reveals the story of the men who would become "one of the finest battalions which served in the war", the West Aus...
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Training for War: The History of Headquarters 1st Division 1914-2014 Training for War encapsulates one hundred years of the history of Headquarters 1st Division and the Deployable Joint Force Headq...
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The Easy Day Was Yesterday: Life, The SAS and 24 Days in Jail My SAS selection course instructor, was as hard as nails. At the start of each day’s training, he would say, ‘Men, the eas...
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The SAS 'Deniables': Special Forces Operations, denied by the Authorities, from Vietnam to the War on Terror During the 10,000-day Vietnam war Australia had agreed with the United States to have ...
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One Shot Kills: A History of Australian Army Sniping A sniper is not just a good shot. While marksmanship is crucial, it is not this alone that defines the sniper. Snipers must also be superb bush...
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Soldier: Uniforms of the Australian Army and the soldiers who wore them Soldier presents a magnificent collection of highly detailed illustrations depicting uniforms worn by the military forces of...
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The Battle of Maryang San 1951 For Australia, the Korean War marked its first foray as a minor power in the Cold War and it would be the first conflict to be fought by the newly formed Australian ...